Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Top 5 Trends In Agriculture Technology

Emerging technology is arguably one of the most significant issues ahead for ag retailers. It is in that spirit that I present my top five technology trends, picked out as being the most important from the perspective of an information technology company.
1. Education. The first and probably the most important topic is education. With the rapid advances in computers and communication, it has become increasingly difficult for anyone in the agricultural community to keep pace with technical changes impacting field production. From understanding the genetics of seed relative to an environment, evaluating the best fertilizers, selecting the right combination of pesticides, or just understanding the day-to-day logistics of a farm operation, education is paramount for success.
In the near future, successful retailers will not be judged by price alone but also according to the materials they recommend in production and their support of sustainability practices on a farm. Consequently, retailers must develop a more “holistic” view of a farming operation. They must understand how each decision through a growing season impacts the next decision and how, collectively, decisions impact the environment and the final produce delivered to the food supply chain. Knowledge of production practices will be demanded not only by regulatory agencies but also be growing segment of the consuming public. The anticipated upstream pressure from the food supply chain can be met with on-farm operation that has accountability and traceability.
A subtler need in education is the modern understanding of integrated pest management (IPM) practices. With the rise of resistant pests, the choice of pest controls must be done more intelligently. Control decisions will require seasonal observations on the presence and movement of pests along with models predicting their future development. Visual observations will give way to diagnostic tests and written records will be replaced by electronic input using applications on smart mobile devices. Retailers that gravitate to these new tools and programs will save time and resources.
2. “Big Data.” Companies involved with the processing and storing of data refer to increasing amounts of computer-generated information as the “big data” challenge. As information becomes critical for good decision-making whether as part of the in-field support of a customer or between employees in a company, data must be collected, stored and interpreted in a timely manner. This data processing requires the maintenance of local computers and communication networks and their integration with systems over the Internet or “in the cloud.” Because of the overhead cost to maintain local computers and networks, many retailers will likely look to “cloud” solutions to process their data. That is, they will pay a fixed annual fee to remotely access computer and network services.
Remote access has the benefit of having a third-party hosting and maintaining the computer and communication infrastructure.  However, one big negative is that retailer’s data, because it is stored offsite, will be at the mercy of the third-party’s security solutions.  Consequently, a retailer must investigate the security track record of any third-party before signing on to their services.
Assuming a secure computer and communication infrastructure, whether local or remote, the processing of data, themselves, will continue to be a challenge. In order to use data in decision making, a retailer must ingest data, use formulas or models and visualization tools to convert them into usable products, integrate the various products, which can be in the form of text, graphs, tables, or maps, to create an operational “picture” of crop production in the field, and finally interpret this picture for the appropriate decisions during a growing season. Retailers would likely rely on information technology (IT) companies to assist in the processing of data for production decision making.
3. Robotics. Robotics is the use of robots or automated machines in place of humans to process information or to perform physical tasks. When you mention robots, most people think of an assembly line with robot arms constructing cars. But robotics is much more than that. It can be in the form voice recognition software that answers verbal questions from customers. It can be in the form of software that processes data and makes recommendations for production practices. In one sense, this software can be thought of as a “virtual” field manager. In the next few years, software mimicking the decision making of a manager will become increasingly important because of the “big data” challenge. No human can process the flood of data and other information in a timely manner to make a decision. Consequently, retailers will have to rely on software to ingest, convert, and integrate data into products and recommendations. Managers will still make the final decision but at a much higher, informed level by viewing products and recommendations. The same software for processing data can be used to send alerts to field managers about important events, such as severe weather.
The more classical role of robots will also become evident on the farm but at a much slower rate. Autonomous machines that are remotely directed using telematics will begin to appear in a limited role in the next few years.  These machines will first be employed in repetitive, simple tasks, such as for the loading and unloading of materials. Eventually, these machines will take the form of autonomous tractors planting seed, spreading fertilizers, applying chemicals, and harvesting crops.
4. Evaluative Metrics. Evaluative metrics are scores and indices that provide feedback to both the retailer and customer that an operation has been successful. It can be as simple as an as-applied map which documents a fertilizer application on a field.  Or, it can be an economic calculator that reports the bottom line on a daily basis by keeping track of the costs against the expected revenue from a harvested crop. Evaluative metrics form the basis of the Field-to-Market Fieldprint calculator with its tracking of sustainable practices for land use, soil conservation, soil carbon, irrigation water use, energy, greenhouse gas emissions, and soon to be added water quality.
Besides providing a quantification of success, evaluative metrics can provide measures of efficiency and risk. Decisions, with their subsequent actions and materials, can be organized in terms of crop, soil, weather, and pests.  Materials applied in the same way and in the same amounts but in different environmental settings can have different outcomes in terms of a final yield. Retailers who identify which practices and materials work best in producers’ local environmental conditions can contribute to the efficient management of their fields.  As one begins to understand what combinations of decisions work or do not work for a particular field and crop, then evaluative metrics can be used to define risk. A set of practices that always result in very good yields (low risk) may be more favorable than using a set of practices that result in fair yields with an occasional high yield (high risk). Evaluative metrics require that good records be kept about the production practices and yields for each field. Furthermore, these records must use a consistent set of variables and observational protocols as part of the collection process. These records would be considered part of the “big data” feed used to asses farming operations.
5. Market Feedback. Market feedback can be in two forms: quantity and quality. Market prices fluctuate based on the real or perceived quantities of produce available for purchase in the marketplace.  It is the traditional supply and demand. If there is less produce for purchase, prices go up. If there is more produce, prices go down. Retailers have always been aware of the importance of quantity. However, quality is a little trickier to track. Like a fine wine, it is the combination of the choice of variety, soil, weather and practices. While many times, the quality of a crop is a function of weather, understanding the impact of seed, soil, and practices can give a producer an edge in the marketplace. More oil or protein in beans can translate into more dollars.
Market feedback can help define the end goal for a set of production practices. If the goal is higher protein in a crop, then special attention would be paid to those materials and practices and environmental conditions that meet this goal. As discussed in an earlier topic, evaluative metrics would come in to play to ensure that day-to-day decisions follow a production plan that would realize high-protein yields. Savvy retailers have long realized that while the market is the end point in production, it is the starting point in planning. In a world of better informed buyers, market feedback needs to be front and center for everyone involved in production.

5 Types of Wireless Technology

Various types of wireless networks and technologies allow devices to speak (send data) to each other and to the web (TCP/IP Networks) without cables. There are a number of different wireless technologies out there that can be implemented in hardware products for the Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine to Machine (M2M) communication.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has seven task groups in place for 802.15 technologies. Those groups set the standards for common types of wireless technologies used for personal area networks. Those 802.15 task groups include: WPAN/Bluetooth, Coexistence, High Rate WPAN, Low Rate WPAN,  mesh Networking, Body Area Networks, and Visible Light Communication. Each IEEE protocol has its own distinctive advantages and limitations. Promising developments expand their potential applications and uses.

IEEE 802.15.4: What is ZigBee?

A wireless technology currently gaining traction in the LPWAN group, ZigBee is an open global standard and is designed specifically to be used in M2M networks. The technology is inexpensive to run and doesn’t require a lot of power, making it an ideal solution for many industrial applications. The technology has a low latency, and a low duty cycle, allowing products to maximize battery life.
The ZigBee protocol offers 128-bit AES encryption. The technology is also used in Mesh networks, which allow nodes to be connected together through multiple pathways. The wireless technology is hoped to ultimately be implemented in things like smart home devices. The technology’s ability to connect multiple devices together simultaneously makes it ideal for a connected home environment where users may want things like smart locks, lights, robots and thermostats to talk to one another. The ZigBee Alliance recently standardized the technology in the hope to make that connectivity possible. Currently all ZigBee devices are not capable of talking to all other ZigBee devices. The hope is that standardization will correct that issue and that the devices will offer a uniform experience for the end user.
At Link Labs, many of our customers are former ZigBee users, but found that range and performance limited their applications. Check our out post on ZigBee range.

IEEE 802.11: WiFi

WiFi uses radio waves (RF) to allow two devices to communicate with one another. The technology is most commonly used to connect Internet routers to devices like computers, tablets and phones; however, it can be used to connect together any two hardware components. WiFi is a local wireless network that runs of the 802.11 standards set forth by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
WiFi can utilize both the global 2.4GHz UHF and 5GHz SHF ISM radio bands. The WiFi Alliance certifies some products, allowing them to be labeled as “Wi-Fi Certified.” In order to receive that designation, and product must go through the Alliance’s interoperability certification testing.
802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n run on the 2.4GHz ISM band. The band is susceptible to interference from some Bluetooth devices as well as some microwave ovens and cordless phones. Devices that run on either band can be operated in the United States without a license from the FCC, but still require FCC part 15 certification. The first six channels of frequencies from each are considered part of the amateur radio band.

IEEE 802.15.1: Bluetooth and BLE

Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) are wireless technologies used to transfer data over short distances. The technology is frequently used in small consider devices that connect to users phones and tablets. For instance, the technology is used in many speaker systems. Bluetooth Low Energy uses less power than standard Bluetooth and is used in hardware such as fitness trackers, smart watches and other connected devices in order to wirelessly transmit data without heavily compromising the battery power in a user’s phone.
BLE has only recently started to pick up steam. The technology was initially introduced by smartphone maker Nokia in 2006, but didn’t become part of Bluetooth standard until 2010. Today, BLE, which is also referred to as Bluetooth Smart, is supported by the majority of smartphone and computer makers as well as most major operating systems including Windows 8, OS X, Linux, Windows Phone, Android and iOS.
Bluetooth uses UHF radio waves for data transfer. The technology was originally standardized as IEEE 802.15.1, but the IEEE no longer maintains that specific standard. Companies that work with Bluetooth are often affiliated with the Bluetooth Special Interest group (SIG). The group currently has over 20,000 members, and must certify a product before it can be marketed as a Bluetooth device to the consumer or business market. That certification helps ensure that all Bluetooth devices work in a standardized way and provide a similar experience for consumers.

IEEE 802.16: WiMax

WiMax stands for Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access. This wireless technology allows data to be transferred at a rate of 30-40 megabits per second. The term refers specifically to interoperable implementations of the IEEE 802.16 wireless family. The technology was once used by several mobile carriers, notably Sprint, to deliver wireless data to its customers. Sprint, along with many of the other carriers who used the technology, has since switched over to using faster LTE 4G networks for data.
The WiMax Forum certifies devices before they can be sold to consumer or businesses. The technology can be used both indoors and outdoors, however, WiMax devices typically produce a better signal when used outside or by a window.
Link Labs builds a new type of wireless technology, called Symphony Link. Symphony Link solves many of the range and performance issues of the technologies listed above.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology

In today's world, where just about everything is more convenient and accessible due to advances in technology across almost all sectors, it may seem as though it's a misnomer to even mention any disadvantages of technological advances. However, despite how far technology has taken humans and no matter how convenient it may make things, there are some disadvantages accompanying this level of access.

Technology advances show people a more efficient way to do things, and these processes get results. For example, education has been greatly advanced by the technological advances of computers. Students are able to learn on a global scale without ever leaving their classrooms. Agricultural processes that once required dozens upon dozens of human workers can now be automated, thanks to advances in technology, which means cost-efficiency for farmers. Medical discoveries occur at a much more rapid rate, thanks to machines and computers that aid in the research process and allow for more intense educational research into medical matters.

Disadvantage: Dependency

The more advanced society becomes technologically, the more people begin to depend on computers and other forms of technology for everyday existence. This means that when a machine breaks or a computer crashes, humans become almost disabled until the problem is resolved. This kind of dependency on technology puts people at a distinct disadvantage, because they become less self-reliant.

Cost efficiency is an advantage in some ways and a disadvantage in others. As technology improves on existing processes and showcases new ways to accomplish tasks, machines are able to produce the same -- if not more -- output than humans in certain industries. This results in cost savings for business owners, allowing them to invest in growth in other areas of the business, which contributes on a positive level to the economy as a whole.

Disadvantage: Less Value In Human Workers

At the same time, human workers retain less value, which is a disadvantage of technological advances. Because machines automate processes and do the work of 10 people with one computer, companies find they don't need to employ as many people to get the job done. As machines and computers become even more advanced and efficient, this will continue to be a growing disadvantage of technology and an issue that has a global impact.

Careers in Aerospace Technology

A new century has begun. As a student you will be spending your life in the 21st century and the future may offer many unpredictable opportunities.
It will be a time of space stations and robotic probes. Manned missions to other planets and moon outposts are future possibilities. All this, and more scientific accomplishments that have not even been dreamed of, will happen because Americans wants to live and work in space.
Where Will You Be in 10 Years?
The world will continue to need aerospace scientists, engineers, technologists and technicians to be ready for the 21st century.
What Could An Aerospace Technology Career Mean for You?
Aerospace workers are professionals who work independently or as part of a team. They conduct research, and design and develop vehicles and systems for atmospheric and space environments. Individuals who are successful in aerospace careers have the proper educational background, possess good communications skills, and are committed to being part of a team. A wide variety of aerospace career fields offers opportunities for high job satisfaction and excellent compensation.
What Education Will You Need Beyond High School?
A career in aerospace as a scientist or engineer requires four to seven years of college study following high school. A bachelor's degree requiring four years of study is the minimum necessary to enter this field. Colleges and universities also offer graduate programs where students can obtain master's and doctoral degrees. The master's program usually takes two years. An additional two to four years is needed to earn a doctorate.
A starting position as an engineer, mathematician, physical scientist, or life scientist requires a bachelor's degree. (A master's and/doctoral degree is highly desirable in life sciences.) Some examples of engineering degrees required are electrical/electronics, aerospace, and mechanical. Other types of bachelor's degrees that may lead to aerospace careers are: physics, chemistry, geology, meteorology, mathematics, experimental psychology and biology.
Engineering technicians typically earn a two-year Associate of Science degree. Some may continue for two additional years and obtain a bachelor's degree in engineering technology. Others may earn a bachelor's degree in engineering or one of the physical sciences. A few complete a five-year apprenticeship program offered at some NASA field centers.
How Do You Know if You Want An Aerospace Career?
If you think you would be interested in a career in aerospace technology, check your potential for success by answering these questions:
Do you enjoy math and science?
Do you have an inquisitive and searching mind?
Are you interested in knowing what makes things work?
Do you like to solve problems and puzzles?
Do you like to create things?
Do you enjoy learning?
Do you enjoy working with computers?
Do you like to build things?
Are you prepared to study hard and do homework?
Do you achieve good grades?
If you answered yes to most of the questions, you may want to consider an aerospace career. Some of the recommended high school courses are listed on the reverse side.
What Should You Do To Prepare For An Aerospace Career Now?
Education is a critical requirement. What are your favorite subjects?
Mathematics and science are the basis for as aerospace technology career. Decisions you make in school can affect your career possibilities. Some of the recommended high school courses are listed below.
Computer Mathematics
Math Analysis
How Can You Find Out More About Aerospace Jobs?
Contact people working in the aerospace field such as scientists, engineers and technicians. Your teacher or guidance counselor should be able to arrange this for you or your class. Visit your school and public libraries to get names of professional organizations you can contact for more information. Contact the NASA personnel office closest to you if you would like additional information. Visit the following web sites for more information.
Some Kinds of Aerospace Careers
Pilots or Crew Members of a Spacecraft
Pilot Astronaut, Mission Specialist, Payload Specialist
Physical Scientists
Astronomer, Chemist, Geologist, Meteorologist, Oceanographer, Physicist
Life Scientists
Biologist, Medical Doctor, Nutritionist, Physiologist, Psychologist
Social Scientists
Economist, Sociologist
Computer Scientist, Mathematician, Statistician, Systems Analyst
Other Fields
Quality Control Inspector, Ground Radio Operator, Teletypist
Aerospace/Astronautics, Biomedical, Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Environmental, Industrial, Materials, Mechanical, Nuclear, Petroleum, Plastics, Safety, Systems
Aerospace Model, Aircraft, Avionics, Electrical/Electronics, Engineering, Fabrication, Materials, Pattern Maker and Molder
Engineers Designers
Architectural, Electrical, Mechanical
Technical Communicators
Artist, Audiovisual Specialist, Editor, Education Specialist, Photographer, Public Relations, Writer
What Are Engineers?
Engineers are people who make things work. The work and ideas of engineers make achievements possible. They put power and materials to work. Engineers have moved America into skyscrapers, high speed cars, jets, and space vehicles. They make life interesting, comfortable, and fun. Computers, television, and satellites -- products of the communication industry -- depend on engineers. Engineers will stations for the 21st century.
What Are Technicians?
Technicians are an important part of the aerospace team. They work closely with scientists and engineers in support of their research. Their skills are used to operate wind tunnels, work in laboratories, construct test equipment, build models and support many types of research.
What Are Scientists?
Scientists are knowledge seekers, always searching out why things happen. They are inquisitive. This means they are always questioning. They possess a sense of wonder. Nature, Earth, and all the universe are what fascinate the scientist. The scientist questions, seek answers, and expands knowledge.

SR-10 Light Jet Training Aircraft, Russia

Also known as CP-10, SR-10 is a twin-seat, single-engine jet trainer aircraft under development by Russian design bureau KB SAT. The aircraft can be used for elementary and intermediate levels of pilot training, as well as to enhance the piloting skills of military and commercial pilots. It is being developed for the Russian Air Force and for export.
The prototype of the aircraft is fitted with a single forward-swept wing, and completed its maiden flight test at an airfield near Vorotynsk in the Kaluga region in December 2015. During the first flight test programme, the aircraft's qualitative performance including certain flight characteristics, stability and controllability, operation of systems and equipment was assessed. The aircraft is being tested further at the Gromov Flight Research Centre in Moscow.
"The aircraft can be used for elementary and intermediate levels of pilot training, as well as to enhance the piloting skills of military and commercial pilots."
KB SAT plans to build the first 16 SR-10 aircraft by the end of 2016, which will be followed by mass production of the aircraft in 2017. Russia's Defence Ministry has allocated RUR2.5bn ($34m) for the SR-10 development project.

SR-10 light jet training aircraft design and development

The SR-10 supersonic light jet training aircraft is an intermediate trainer between the light Yak-152 and Yak-130 aircraft. It has integrated aerodynamic design, which enables it perform safe aerobatics.
The aircraft comes with moderate wing of the reverse sweep that allows greater manoeuvrability. The wing is swept forward at a 10° angle. The exterior dimensions of the aircraft include length of 9.59m (31ft 6in), height of 3.55m (11ft 8in), and wingspan of 8.40m (27ft 7in).
Built of modern composite materials, the aircraft uses the glider to reduce the weight and increase the resource in the airframe. It has a very low operating cost compared to other machines.
The twin-seat aircraft was conceptualised in 2007, the schematic design and development was initiated in 2007 and the full-size layout of the aircraft was demonstrated at MAKS-2009 airshow at Zhukovsky in August 2009. The project encountered financial problems causing a delay in the development. The aircraft was finally rolled out off the assembly line in August 2015.

The SR-10 light training jet comes with double cabin configured in tandem. It is equipped with ejection seats of Class 0-0 in the cabin to ensure safety to the crew at all altitudes and speeds of piloting. The cabin is facilitated with comfortable working conditions.
Cabin details of SR-10 aircraft

SR-10 aircraft engine and performance details

The prototype is powered by a single Ivchenko AI-25TL turbofan engine that generates 16.87kN (3,790lb) thrust. The production aircraft are expected to be fitted with a more modern Russian engine such as NPO Saturn AL-55.
The aircraft has a cruise speed of 520km/h, take-off speed of 190km/h, and landing speed of 185km/h. It has a maximum level airspeed of 900km/h and maximum manoeuvrable speed of 700km/h. The maximum range is 1,500km and the service ceiling is 6,000m with a rate of climb of 60m/s. The minimum turn radius is 290m and the maximum bank rational speed is 7r/s.
The aircraft has a maximum take-off weight of 2,700kg and normal take-off weight of 2,400kg. The normal and maximum landing weight of the aircraft is 2,000kg.

A new app automatically sends that group photo to your friends

The Knoto app on an iPhone"Sure, I'll send you that photo."
The Knoto app uses artificial intelligence to try to fix that problem. When you take a picture, Knoto's facial recognition algorithm detects who's in the photo, and automatically sends them a copy.
"It's really a different experience when you're getting these photos," Jonas Lee, CEO of Knoto's parent company PhotoKharma, told Popular Science. "On the receiving end, you're getting a broadcast of you, from your friends."
The concept behind Knoto's technology is to make photo sharing easier. Instead of thinking about sending photos to people or uploading them to Facebook, it's done automatically, and with the photos that people are most likely to want: the pictures of themselves.

When you first launch the app, Knoto attempts to connect with Facebook to know who you are, and what your friends look like. After authorization (you must allow Knoto to connect to Facebook for it to work), the app goes through all your tagged Facebook images, and your images where your friends are tagged, using them to recognize the people in your life. It also goes through all the photos in your phone, and tries to make matches. You can help the poor algorithm out by manually tagging people you take pictures of often, as well.
The Knoto app on an iPhone

The App That Automatically Sends Photos
The Knoto app automatically recognizes the faces of people in your photo library, and can use that information to automatically send pictures of them.
Once you take a photo, the Knoto app finds the faces in the image, crops them out, and sends them to the encrypted Knoto server. There, the faces are matched to other known faces, and this data of the person's identity is transmitted back to your phone.
The photos are then sent and received by the Knoto app, which ends up being a stream of photos of yourself and your friends or family. If the person being sent the photos doesn't have the app, they get a text with an image and a link to download other photos.
In terms of privacy, Lee says that by cropping the photos to only include faces and transmitting those cropped images eliminates a lot of concerns.
"Everybody is naked from the face up," Lee said, adding that no human looks at the photos, either. (This of course disregards those doing handstands.)
As you take more photos, the app's software gets better overtime. Those two acts, learning from photos and then applying that knowledge, is the artificial intelligence at work. Knoto uses convolutional neural networks, a flavor of machine learning that works well with images, to identify specific people in photos.
When I tried it, Knoto processed all the photos in my phone, which included every member of my grandfather's Navy crew from WWII, Paulie fromGoodfellas, and Alphabet executive chairman Eric Schmidt. However, I feel confident won't be sending them any photos (especially Paulie).

However, the app worked well. I tried to send 24 photos to myself and I quickly got a text with an image and links to the rest of the photos.
There are some limitations, however. Namely, the Knoto app needs to be perpetually open in the background, so it just doesn't work if you're one of those compulsive app closers. (We all know the type.)
I also didn't get options to send photos to my Facebook friends via Messenger or the like, and after the app had looked through my Facebook photos, I still had to manually tag a bunch of people, which seems to defeat the whole point of Facebook integration.
Knoto is great for people who take lots of selfies with friends, or go on trips together and are forgetful about social media. It's a product that relies on people being lazy, and too busy doing other things to deal with their photos after they've been taken. But are people ready for automatic sharing? That's the gamble Knoto makes.

Meaning of Technology and It's Use

What Is Technology?
 Technology is a body of knowledge devoted to creating tools, processing actions and extracting of  materials. The term ‘Technology” is wide and everyone has their own way of understanding the meaning of technology. We use technology to accomplish various tasks in our daily lives, in brief; we can describe technology as products, processes or organizations. We use technology to extend our abilities, and that makes people as the most important part of any technological system.
Technology is also an application of science to solve a problem. But what you have to know is that technology and science are different subjects which work hand-in-hand to accomplish a specific task or solve a particular problem.
We apply technology in almost everything we do in our lives, we use technology at work, we use it to , extract materials , we use technology for communication, transportation, learning, manufacturing, creating artifacts, securing data, scaling businesses and so much more.  Technology is human knowledge which involves tools, materials and systems. The application of technology results in artifacts or products. If technology is well applied, it can benefit humans, but if it is wrongly applied, it can cause harm to human beings.
Many businesses are using technology to stay competitive, they create new products and services using technology, and they also use technology to deliver those products and services to their customers on time. A good example is, mobile phones companies like Apple & Samsung, these two electronics companies, use high end technology to create new smartphones and other electronic devices to stay competitive. This competitive edge is gained through employing advanced technology.
Let’s take a simple example on how people use technology on a daily basis,
See figure (1) below:

Technology is dynamic; it keeps on improving because even our needs and demands for technology keep on changing.  We have moved from the industrial age (industrial revolution) to an information age. During the industrial age, companies with large sums of capital had the potential of employing expensive technological tools to gain competitive advantage; small businesses had less potential because they could not afford expensive manufacturing or processing technological tools. But, the advancement in technology has created a new economic environment which depends on information and that is what I call ‘’INFORMATION AGE’’, the information age provides a different work environment and this has helped small businesses gain position in highly competitive markets.
Let’s take a simple example and see how technology has advanced;
See figure (2) below;

We use technology to accomplish various tasks, so technology comes in different types, below I have listed some of the different types of technology we use on a daily basis and on each type of technology I have included an example of that particular technology.
  • Communication Technology:  This is a system that uses technical means to transmit information or data from one place to another or from one person to another.  Communication is used for many purposes; it is used to convey ideas, exchange information and express emotions. Humans use communication technology tools like phones, computers, emails, fax, text messaging tools to stay in touch with friends and family , then, businesses use communication technology tools to facilitate the flow if information in a workplace, to help in decision making , to serve customers needs and requests, to promote new products or services to targeted consumers and so much more.
Example of Communication Technology:
KUDOS Presenter for iPhone Presentation
Let your iPhone control your power point presentations. This KUDOS presenter uses audio connector to communicate. So you can improve the way you make power point presentation using your iPhone with this KUDOS technology. Learn more about KUDOS.
  • Construction Technology: This is the study of advanced methods and equipments which can be used to build structures. Construction builds two types of structures. These include buildings and heavy engineering structures. Construction uses various technological actions to erect a structure on the site where it will be. The use of construction technological tools like heavy tractors to prepare land where the construction will be, computer design software to create designs for structures on computers and in 3D format, using various construction technologies to enclose structures and install utilities has helped in advancing both residential buildings and commercial buildings today.

Example of Constriction Technology:
Factory-Reconditioned Stanley Bostitch
It works as an air compressor and a nail gun at the same time. Buy it from AMAZON.COM

  • Assistive Technology: This is the type of technology which is used by people with disabilities to accomplish specific tasks which seem to be difficult or impossible to perform. The term ”Assistive” means helping or providing an extra hand. Assistive technology is being used in schools to help students with Autism to learn better, it is used to help people with disabled bodies’ move, speech recognition application help people who can’t type with a keyboard to use a computer and so much more. Due to advancement in technology, we have a variety of assistive technologies which can assist you accomplish anything which might seem difficult.
Example of Assistive Technology:
Off road wheelchair:
Image from: www.wheelchairdriver.com
This off road wheelchair can assist people with disabilities to move comfortably.
  • Medical Technology: This is the type of technology which is used to extend and improve human life. Medical technology reduces patient’s pain, and injury. Developed countries have benefited from the use of medical technology in their health care systems and this explains the reason why people in developed countries leave longer than people in developing countries. Medical technology is used to diagnose infections, treat diseases and to make research on diseases affecting humans.
Example of medical technology:
TAP 20™ for Point-of-Care Testing – SeventhSense
Image from: www.7sbio.com
This Point-of-Care Testing can help doctors obtain patient’s blood without diagnosis. It comes with so many advantages which include:
– It’s painless for the patient.
-It keeps the blood sample until used for testing
Learn more about Point-of-Care testing.

  • Information Technology:  Information Technology  is a set of hardware and software tools used to store information. Information technology tools help in providing the right people with the right information at the right time. Knowledge workers in organization use information technology to complete various tasks and these can include; transferring of information which facilitates decision making with in an organization, improve customer service, and so much more. In this information age, it is very important to manage information systems to ensure accuracy and efficiency. Management information systems (MIS) involves planning for, development, management, and use of information technology tools to help knowledge workers and people perform all tasks related to information processing and management. Big financial institutions like ”BANKS” use information technology to operate their entire businesses as well as serve their customers.
Examples of information technology tools:
This IT based technological tool will enable you share, access and protect files. Transporter is an online, off-cloud storage solution which supports private sharing of valuable files. Unlike cloud storage facilities likeDropbox.com & Box.com, this device is private and it can allow you to store your files remotely and share them with your employees or partners. To use the device remotely, you will have to create a free online account, create shared documents, and much more, the only difference with Dropbox.com, is that the files are stored on this device, so the all cloud service is brought to your office or home. Learn more about Transporter.

  • Entertainment Technology: This is a process of using various technological components to create an entertainment experience. Since entertainment is too broad, every one gets entertained in their own way. Technology is used to build theaters, it is used to create video games, to develop musical systems and so much more.  Entertainment technology includes things like video, sound, automation. Animations, scenery fabrication, computer simulations. Interactive environments and so much more.
Example of Entertainment Technology:
For those who want to play a guitar but you have always found it difficult, you can opt for this engineered guitar. The gTar can be played by anyone , it is an electrical guitar which comes a free gTar app which has test songs that you can start playing right away. Buy this gTar from.
  • Business Technology: This is the type of technology which is made up of various hardware tools and software applications used to run a business and enhance various business operations. Many businesses are using technology to scale and grow big. Small businesses have used technology to create new ways of competing with well established companies. To some extent, some business technologies can make a small company look like a big company and this can help a small business gain position in a competitive market.
Example of business technology:
3D Printer – Created by formlabs
This is an affordable 3D printer which can help designers create advanced 3D objects. It’s size and design is good, so it can fit well on your office desk. With this 3D printer, you can create as many 3D models as you want. Use its software to generate thin, breakable support structures. Learn more about this FORM1 3D printer.
Educational Technology: Is the type of technology which aims at improving performance by creating and managing various technological processes and resources. It is an academic discipline which prepares individuals to acquire deeper understanding and knowledge. It helps them learn how to devise solutions to problems through research, design, evaluation and utilization. Educational technology helps in improving the way we learn, some of the benefits of educational technology include:
– It motivates students and it encourages individual learning.
– It makes the access of educational material easy.
– It helps students learn new subjects and languages through Gamification
Example of Education Technology:
Teachers you can try this Paperless grading application for iPad. If you want to have a paperless classroom and your students have access to iPads, then this technology will be of great use to you and your students. Markup has completely changed the way teachers mark test and exam papers, students can submit electronic papers to be marked by their teachers electronically, this saves time and resources on both sides. Try out this Markup application for ipad from here (www.showme.com )

Technology is not applied science, both technology and science are closely related but they are different in so many ways. Technology develops and explains the human-made world; it involves development, processing and management;
Science explains the natural world; science refers to systematic methodology which is used to gather accurate information about the shared reality. During the process of gathering this information, technological tools are used. For example, microscopes are biological tools which can be used to study specific facts about anything with life.
Scientific knowledge is gathered from detached observations. Scientists can use this gathered information using technological tools to explain why certain things happen and this all process can be described as research.
As humans, we use both technology and science together, that is why we confuse these two to be the same. Science is knowledge of the natural world while technology is human-made world determined by processing, development and management.
For you to understand the difference between science and technology, see example in figure (3) below:
Figure (3)
Look closely at image (a), it shows you a volcanic mountain erupting, this is a natural state of our world, and it is only science which explains how this volcanic activity happens basing on extensive research and data gathered by scientist. In image (b) , we see a scientist using a microscope to make research and gather data. A microscope is human-made technology designed to help scientists make research. So that means that both concepts work hand in hand, but they are completely different. Humans have developed various technological tools to help us solve problems during our daily lives, but also this technology can affect the natural setup of our environment if applied wrongly.

Technology is good because it simplifies the way we do things in our daily lives, however, if technology is wrongly applied, it can be harmful in so many ways. Technology is developed by humans, so we can use it to accomplish almost every task; it makes the impossible look possible.  However, for you to understand the advantage and disadvantage of technology today, we can use an example in figure (4) below:
Figure (4)
As you can see in the photo above, if technology is well implemented it can be of great use to humanity, but it can also cause harm. Below I have detailed points on the advantage and disadvantage of technology inbusiness, classroom or education.
Advantages of Technology in Business:
  • Increases production: Technology helps businesses automate most tasks and this process results into increased production and efficiency. Business can automate tasks in the accounting department by using accounting software like QuickBooks. Bakeries can automate the temperature room by using temperature sensors to detect a drop or an increase in temperature.
  • Technology Helps small business gain competitive advantage: If business technology is well implemented, it can help a small business gain position in a competitive market. Some of the ways small businesses use technology to scale out and gain a good position in the market are; improving customer care services through internet technologies like social networks  and electronic mail, creating new products and services tailored basing on customers needs and wants
  • Saves time: Since most of the activities in the business are automated, time is saved during the process. Computers can be used to perform various business tasks, for example a computer can be used to record data, it can be used in video conferencing, and much more.
  • Technology accelerates innovation: The only way small businesses can succeed in today’s competitive world is by using technology to create new products or services. Small businesses can use internet technology to collect information about targeted consumers, so that they understand their needs and wants, this information can be used when tailoring new products or services.
  • It improves sharing of information: Many businesses use internal networks to facilitate the flow of information with in the organization. This internal network can help in the transfer of information among different departments at work. Also employees can share different technologies like printers, fax machines and internet via an internal network.  This easy flow of information also improves on the speed at which decisions are made in a business.
  • It improves on data storage: It is very important to keep business data secure, because a disaster can strike your business and you lose all important information.  The use of databases and remote storage facilities helps in keeping business information and data secure and accessible from anywhere.
  • Technology simplifies business communication: Every business survives on communication; you need to communicate with your suppliers, business partners and employees, so technology will make this all process simple. Many businesses use communication technologies like mobile phones, video conferencing applications like SKYPE, text messaging services and electronic mail to exchange important business information.

Disadvantages of Technology in Business:
  • It’s expensive: Technology comes at a price, not every small business can manage to use technology. After buying and integrating technology in business, you will have to pay another cost of maintaining that technology, monthly maintenance is recommended and this can be expensive.
  • Not Safe: Technology is not safe; it is very easy to lose business data through internet technology. Hackers can easily access your remote database and use your business data for their own personal needs.
  • Disconnectedness: Over-dependence on technology has killed workplace relationships, employees and business managers communicate through email, phones, text messages and video conferences, this kills face-face communication.  Also most tasks are being automated, so you find that employees have less involvement in the final product which leads to dissatisfaction and workplace boredom.

Advantages of Technology in the Classroom:
  • Technology Promotes individual learning: Students can use their ipads and internet to make personal research online and educate them selves. When a student is in control of what they learn, they will have no fear of making mistakes and this will encourage them to explore more about a specific subject. Many teachers are allowing students to carry out personal research on specific subjects; the results can be shared with other students or the entire classroom via a smart white board.
  • It Promotes Students engagement in classroom: Since educational technologies like digital white boards are interactive, teachers can give students a chance to teach their fellow students using this interactive white board. Also the integration of Gamification technologies keeps students entertained and attentive while in the classroom, because games remove that boring atmosphere in the classroom.  Students can learn subjects like Math and English through playing games.
  • Technology Helps students learn how to write and spell: The use of computers to take notes in the classroom has helped so many students learn how to write well composed essays. Computers have word applications and built-in dictionaries which will auto-correct grammar mistakes while students are taking notes in the classroom. Also teachers are encouraging students to create personal blogs so that they can practice and improve on their writing and spelling skills.
  • Technology Encourages group learning: The use of group sharing technologies like Piazza.com /Snagit / NoodleTools.com has helped shy students join discussion groups in the classroom without exposing their identities. Group discussions help students ask questions and learn more about a specific subject. Group discussions tend to create a strong relationship among students in the classroom and they also help shy students learn how to socialize with others in the classroom.
  • It prepares students for technical working environments: Students are taught how to use computers and various technological tools which can be of great benefit when they complete school and start applying for jobs. As the world keeps on advancing, all jobs of the future will require applicants to have some technical skills. So the use of technology in the classroom prepares students for tomorrow’s technical working conditions.
  • Technology encourages risk taking due to the challenges it presents: Technology is challenging to learn and it presents students with puzzles to solve. During this process of solving academic puzzles, student’s brains become sharp and they tend to get interest in taking more risks. Life is about taking risks, so if our students learn how to take risks while in the classroom, then it will be easier for them to take more calculated risks after school.
  • Technology provides assistance to students with disabilities: Assistive educational technology like iPads, Robots, Games can help students with diseases like Autism learn how to speak and write.  Also deaf students can easily communication using mobile text messaging in the classroom and this can increase their engagement in the classroom.
  • Technology bridges the gap between teachers and students: Teachers and students are using advanced educational technologies to connect more than before. New mobile text messaging technologies like www.remind101.com ,can be used by teachers to remind their students about research work, remind them to prepare for a test or exam
  • Technology simplifies teachers work: Teachers have found creative ways of making their work easier by using technology in the classroom. For example, a teacher does not need to go through the hassle of marking thousands of exam / test papers, now we have a new iPad application ‘’Markup’’  which turns all students exams into electrical papers and teachers can mark these exam papers with an iPad. This creates a paperless classroom, because most students can afford computers, so exams are assigned to students electronically.

Disadvantages of Technology in the Classroom:
  • Distraction in the classroom: Students love to use technology in the classroom but it tends to distract them, for example, the use of mobile phones to study in the classroom, distracts some students. Most of these smartphones have social applications like twitter, facebook, Youtube and Pinterest; students tend to use these social applications on their smartphones for entertainment purposes while in the classroom.
  • It is expensive:  Schools with small budgets can not afford to integrate technology in their classrooms. Also parents with limited income can not afford to buy laptops or iPads for their children. So not every school or student will be in position to use technology in the classroom.  Then for schools which have managed to integrate technology in their classrooms, find trouble when it comes to maintaining these educational technologies.
  • Requires Training: Both teachers and students need extra training on how to use various educational technologies, this can cost both time and money.

Technology is designed with a purpose of solving problems; it has to meet human needs and wants. We use technology in so many ways; at least everyone uses technology in one-way or another. A problem exists when we encounter difficulty; problem solving is a human behavior, though our approach varies from person-to-person. During the process of solving a problem, the following is taken into consideration;
  • Develop an understanding of the problem through observation.
  • Devise a plan for solving that problem.
  • Implementing the plan.
  • Evaluating the plan.
  • Technology will be used in all those four stages of problem solving, however, for you to easily understand how to solve problems using technology, see example in figure (5) below.
Figure (5)
Look closely at the photo above, on the left we see the problem is traffic jam in the city and on the right, you can see that one of the solutions of solving this traffic jam is by using high speed electronic trains. The problem was identified and technology was used to plan the solution and implement that solution in the city. The use of high speed electronic trains has reduced traffic jam in big cities like Newyork. Below I have listed four basic phases you need to know about when solving problems with technology.
  • Identifying a technological problem: During this stage, you will need to define the problem by explaining the situation that needs a technological solution, and establishing the criteria that technological system or device has to meet.  Then you have to gather information needed to begin developing solutions for the problem or situation.
  • Developing a solution: During this phase, you will need to develop possible solutions that can solve a given problem. You will test more than one solution, until you refine the best solution to solve that problem permanently and meet the opportunity.
  • Evaluating the solution: At this stage, you will be modeling the best solution through testing and evaluating all proposed solutions by use of graphics, statistics and mathematical modeling techniques. For you to select the best technological solution, you will need to compare the design solutions in terms of economic, market, technical, production and environmental criteria to determine the best solution to that particular problem.
  • Communicating the solution: Now that you have evaluated all solutions, it is time to communicate the final solution to your team through graphical drawings, reports and mathematical means. If you agree with your team, you can now go ahead and present the solution for approval from the management or government.
In conclusion, judging from the 4 steps of solving a problem using technology, you will see that the technology we are using started with an idea of solving a problem or meeting an opportunity. A person or a group of people saw the problem or the opportunity and they designed solutions of meeting that problem or opportunity. Today we have various technologies which where designed to solve simple problems, for example, social networks like Facebook.com, twitter.com have solved communication and social interaction problem.
As I conclude this chapter of ‘’WHAT IS TECHNOLOGY?’’ , let me guess that you deeply understand themeaning of technologytypes of technology being used today, the advantages and disadvantages of technology and how you can use technology to solve daily problems or meet opportunities